Be Granted the Australian Citizenship and Live in the Country for Good
Are you a non-Australian citizen currently staying in Australia? Good news! Now, you can secure an application citizenship but you have to follow certain standards. If you are permanently residing in this country and are able to comply to the requirements for eligibility, you can apply for the citizenship through conferral. Meaning, you can be granted the citizenship or conferred the citizenship. The things you need to know when seeking an application for, and granted an Australian citizenship are eligibility, documents for preparation and submission, and lodging of application, setting for an appointment, ceremony, and processing fees.
How to apply for an Australian Citizenship
If you really want to obtain the Australian citizenship eligibility, you need to submit some documents such as identity documents that show your picture and signature, present residential address, birth name, birthdate, and gender; character document containing the proof that you lived or travelled outside of Australia since you were 18 years of age, and all other supporting documents. You can be an Australian citizen once the requirements needed have all been complied. Aside from permanent residency and completing the documents, you’ll be qualified to apply if you are of good character and you have knowledge in the English language. You are eligible to apply too if you have the intention to live permanently or maintain a continued and close connection with Australia.
Once your assessment or evaluation has been completed and there are no problems are detected, it is now time for the next move. Acquire a visa, or apply for a citizenship in Australia. To be sure that you’re making things right with the process, seek the help of your trusted migration agent.
Australia recognises special events and days, and citizenship and affirmation ceremonies are often held as part of what’s called the coming together as a nation to give honour to all the great things of this country, not to mention the greatness of being an Australian. You, as an Australian citizen have the privilege of enjoying the Australia Day, Australia’s Local Hero Award and Australia Citizens Day, among others.
Are you all set to apply for a citizenship in Australia but you just don’t know how to get started? That’s what a migration agent is here for — to help you with the procedures in an application. Visit the migration office near you and start things right.