New South Wales Implements Stricter Rule About Its Skilled Visa 190

The entry into New South Wales (NSW) by the use of skilled visa 190 is going to be harder from now. According to reliable sources, the state of NSW will now discontinue issuing invitations generally to the applicants of other states to enter it by the use of this skilled visa 190. However, as per the analysis that was done by the experts, the statement issued is not definite and is subject to the interpretations of the reader, leaving a lot of room for varied meanings.

The Skilled visa 190 or the skilled nominated visa 190 is a permanent entry visa issued to the skilled workers of other states so that they can come and reside in the territorial borders of NSW and meet the skill needs of the state. Under this program, the NSW government can nominate a specific person as the preferred applicant for the awarding of this visa. Usually, that is done from a list comprised of the Expression of Interest (EOI) submitted by the applicants. The government selects the candidates from the SkillSelect portal and invites them to stay in the cities of New South Wales according to the required of the skill sets.

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The statement from the government left all the analysts confused; although the general consensus remained that all hope is not lost, as there is room for different interpretations. According to a Melbourne-based veteran migration expert the wordings “will generally not invite” is not fixed and may be meant as that the nomination of migration for a resident of another state based on popular skills on the SkillSelect portal could become harder, if there is no shortage of that particular occupation and NSW has already enough people in that trade. The main point that can be understood is that the previously easier, hence relatively popular state nomination for NSW will become more difficult due to the change in the immigration policy.

Also, read: A Few Noteworthy Facts About The Recently Implemented Australian Skilled Visas

However, the state of NSW has not closed its doors completely to the other state immigrants. The same announcement mentioned that the approach may be varied depending on the magnitude and the arrangement of the candidate pool on the SkillSelect portal who have submitted an EOI. Point to note, NSW has not stated anything about the new regional 491 visas. In this context, it can be safely surmised that state nomination for NSW will be harder to obtain from now on.

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