
Medical Treatment visa

The Medical Treatment Visa also known as the Medical Treatment Visa (subclass 602) is a beneficial visa type offered by the Department of Home Affairs. This visa is particularly meant for those who are requiring medical help in some way or the other while staying in Australia itself. Also if you are willing to provide any kind of medical assistance to any of your family members, then this visa can be of real help to you. If you also want to donate any of your body organs to anyone else, now you can do that quite effortlessly through the means of this particular visa.
Through the means of the Medical Treatment Visa you will be getting all kinds of medical assistance while you are staying in Australia. Not only this, this visa will also let you come to and go from Australia as many times as you want only if the visa permits to do so. The applicant can now apply for this visa from any possible part of the world when it comes to the application part. This visa is really beneficial for those who do not have the access to high-quality treatment in their own country.


If you are also wishing to apply for the aforesaid visa, then we at ISA Migrations are there to help you out in every possible manner. Be it the submission of the finest documents, implementing all the official processes on your behalf or helping you with the best suggestions and advices from time to time, here at ISA Migrations you will get every possible assistance with our team of highly knowledgeable professionals.
Hence, get in contact with us right now and apply for the Medical Treatment Visa in a hassle free manner.

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Amit Taya (Perth) : +61 426 488 909 Harmandeep (Adelaide) : +61 8 8120 4199