4 Dialogues Initiated by Illegal Overseas Education Consultants

If you want to study in Australia there are a lot of processes that you have to face in order to successfully accomplish it. This is the reason why a lot of people hire the expertise of an overseas education consultants in order for them to ensure that all of the requirements and procedure are followed. However, the most common question people ask about hiring an agent is about the trustworthiness of these people. Here are some basic statements that dishonest agents might say to you:

Things Illegal Agents Would Say to You

No. 1: “Your visa application will be approved with my help.” This is the number one lie you have to look out for when you’re hiring a migration agent Perth. Only authorised officers from the country’s migration department can determine your fate. Agents who are claiming they can guarantee success are actually violating important and relevant laws. This is why it is essential that you should be mindful of this kind of dialogue when you’re planning on hiring an agent.

No. 2: “You must pay for the registration and application now.” It is imperative that you know that charges for visa application will only be paid when you lodge the application. If the agent that you just met asked for upfront payments be cautious and just walk away because they might not be looking out for your best interest.

No. 3: “I have connections that will be able to help your application successful.” Similar to the first statement, no migration agent has a special connection with the government’s immigration agency. All of the treatment of visa applications (whether be it an Australia student visa or work visa) is equally treated without any form of impartiality. It is vital that you determine the MARN of the agent’s in order to know if they are legitimate service providers.

No. 4: “All of the documents that you must pass should be original copies.” The Department of Immigration and Border Protection would only need certified copies of the original document. This is important to be noted because if you give your original copies you might incur identity fraud in the future, so please be wary of this.

Those are the four basic dialogues you need to look out for when you are searching for education consultants and migration agents for your study in Australia experience. It is always important to be safe and secured so be vigilant.

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