
Training Visa 407

Individuals, who wish to have better training or make use of the Australian work scene to increase his or her experience, or for achieving a professional development in his or her field of choice, can now do it with the help of a training visa subclass 407. The visa is temporary and is usually granted for 2 years maximum. The applicant of training visa 407 must only do so if he or she is to take on work-related training in Australia to meet occupational registration or permitting requirements; to increase skills in their occupation; or for building capability in a foreign country.

The 407 Visa Australia is a purely work-related visa and can only be awarded on the specific undertaking that the user shall not engage in paid work over the training work assigned to them. Doing so would be in violation of the condition 8102, and can be subject to cancellation. And also like all other Australian visas, the applicant must have functioning health insurance inside the Australian territory and during their stay. There are several other rules and regulations to be followed to apply for this particular visa, and it would be the best to consult and employ the services of Immigration Agent Australia for the understanding of the regulations of the visa.

What this Subclass 407 Visa Allows You To Do in Australia?

The Visa Subclass 407 is basically a provisional visa that allows the holder to enter Australia to receive occupational training in a subject to better his or her proficiency. This 407 Visa Australia allows the bearer to stay within the territory of Australia and receive the required training. The bearer of this visa must have an overseas health cover with an approved insurance provider. A knowledgeable Migration Agent Australia can be consulted relating the matter of visa approval.

What are Subclass 407 Visa conditions?
There are certain conditions which have to be surveyed strictly by the candidate to have a probable acceptance about a claim of Visa Subclass 407. Any error in fulfilling the conditions may result in the 407 Visa Australia. The subclass 407 visa conditions which are to be followed carefully by the applicant can be itemized as;

  • The applicant should be above 18 years or older.
  • The applicant must be nominated by an approved temporary activities sponsor.
  • The applicant should acquire a permitted insurance cover for their whole residing period.
  • The person should be in possession of documentary proof of clearing tests of “Functional English” level.
  • The applicant should qualify in the health and character requirements.

What are Visa Subclass 407 Requirements?

The applicant must satisfy the requirements and present the essential documents for subclass 407 Visa Australia for each of the below-mentioned conditions for allowing them or their family members to qualify for the visa subclass 407. The compulsory documents and the aspects the applicant will need to address as the 407 visa requirements can be listed in the table below;

Visa Name Documents required
Training Visa 407
Proof of age
Document showing nomination
Document providing proof of sponsorship
History of previous visas
Proof of holding a requisite substantive visa
Proof of overseas health insurance
Proficiency in English
Evidence of meeting character or health requirement
Proof of clearance of any debt to the Australian government

Subclass 407 Training Visa Eligibility Criteria

To get designated for the Subclass 407 Training Visa and avail the revenues and aids that come with the assumed Training visa 407, there are some guidelines and instruction that the candidate will have to submit to before he or she contemplates applying for the same. Without the completion of these Australian 407 visa eligibility criteria, the application may not be accepted for consideration of awarding of the visa. The details are;

Age requirement
The applicant must be 18 years old or more at the time the application of the visa is processed. This condition is flexible for exceptional situations.

Approved sponsor
The applicant needs to have a sponsor to apply for this visa and the said sponsor must be approved as a temporary activities sponsor in the list of the immigration department.

The applicant must have a nomination to participate in a program of occupational training from the sponsor. This condition is exempted if the sponsor is an Australian Commonwealth Government agency. The requirements of the nomination change according to the purpose or the type of training needed.

Visa requirement
The applicant must hold a substantive visa which is not one of the following visas;

  • Subclass 403 [Temporary Work (International Relations) visa in the Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular stream)
  • Subclass 771 (Transit) visa
  • Special Purpose visa

If you do not possess a substantive visa, then the last held visa must not be one of the above and the application has to be tendered within 4 weeks of the date of the completion of the last visa.

Health and character requisites
The applicant must meet the requirements of the health and character conditions set by the ministry of immigration.

Health insurance
The applicant must take out health insurance for the duration of his or her stay in Australia, and he or she needs to present documented evidence of this fact. The insurance should cover the medically necessary treatment during your stay, including transport.

Temporary Entrant requirement
The applicant must offer proof of his state in the home country, any past of immigration, evidence of property owned, any important belonging in the home country, and anything else associated with the temporary staying plan within Australia while applying for this particular visa. He or she must comply with the conditions mentioned in the regulation of the visa.

Requirement of English
The applicant must have the grasp of functional English according to the conditions set for this visa.

Other conditions
The other important points that the applicant must pay attention to can be stated as;

  • The applicant must sign the Australian values statement.
  • Must not have any application previously canceled or refused.
  • The application may be rejected if it does not sit with the best interest of the applicant with Age lower than 18 years.

Australian Subclass 407 Training Visa Checklist

If you are putting in an application for the Subclass 407 Training Visa then you must fulfill the surroundings set by the capable specialist. Organizing for or yielding documents when required according to the 407 Visa Checklist will be useful in the approval of the visa request. The conditions you must check before you apply for the 407 Visa Australia are;

  • You must have proof to show that you have reached the permissible age.

  • You must provide documents to prove your finances and present nature of work.

  • You must acquire a nomination from an approved temporary activities sponsor.

  • You must submit the history of your previously received visas.

  • You must submit the history of your previously received visas.

  • You must have adequate health insurance cover while staying in Australia.

  • You must provide proof of achieving the level of functional English.

  • You must comply with the health and character requirement of the Australian immigration department.

  • You must have worked or studied full time for a minimum of 12 months, in the occupation to be nominated. The nominated job must be on the occupation list of the 407 Training Visa.

  • You can only work for your sponsor. You must work 30 hours per week minimum.

  • You must show adequate proof of being a genuine temporary entrant.

Australian Training Visa 407 Processing Time

The Subclass 407 visa processing time will change depending on the type of application and the type of job for which the visa is applied for. To understand and perform an error-free application for Training Visa Subclass 407, the candidate can contact an experienced Migration Agent Australia and get a positive result at the first try. The time taken to complete the formalities may be;

Visa Type 25% of applications processed in 50% of applications processed in 75% of applications processed in 90% of applications processed in
Traning Visa Subclass 407 20 Days 37 Days 84 Days 12 Months

There are several more rules to go through before an application can be tendered. The extent of stay will depend on the training to be received. Employ a suitable migration agent for help.


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