
Parent Visa Subclass 103

The parents whose children enjoy permanent citizenship in Australia, or is a settled resident, or an eligible citizen of New Zealand, can now move to or stay in Australia for an indefinite period. This is a type of permanent visa which allows the bearer to enter Australia and stay there. This visa is known as Parent Visa Subclass 103 which requires the presence of children as a permanent citizen of Australia. The visa also allows the holder to sponsor other family members to come to the country. The other finer conditions can be best known by contacting ISA Migrations & Education Consultants.

This 103 Visa Australia can allow the holder to come and go from Australia without any restriction, however, for only 5 years from the date of the visa grant. The visa also allows the visit into other regions of Australia, along with also providing the permission that allows the holder to enroll themselves in the public healthcare system of Australia. This visa is also eligible for applying for permanent Australian citizenship in the future. There are several more requirements to consider for this visa, so for an informed consultation, the applicant can approach a Migration Agent Australia and tender a comprehensive application.

What Visa Subclass 103 Lets You Do In Australia?

The 103 Visa Australia is a permanent visa awarded to individuals who have children as a permanent citizen of Australia and are nominated by them. The Parent Visa 103 holder can come and go from Australia without any restriction for only 5 years from the date of the visa allowance and can nominate other members of the family also. The Parent Visa Subclass 103 also allows the visit into other regions of Australia enrolling them in the public healthcare system of Australia. You will also be eligible for applying for permanent Australian citizenship in the future.


The documents that are provided and required for the Visa Subclass 103 must support the claims made in the application. The Subclass 103 Visa Australia will be considered for a positive reply only with the correct submission of the documents. The necessary requirements, which can be better known from an Immigration Agent Australia, can be listed as;

  • Proof of nomination must be provided.

  • The balance-of-family test must be qualified.

  • Proof of age must be tendered.

  • Evidence of meeting the health and character requirement must be yield to.

  • Evidence of non-existence of previous debt to the Australian government must be given.

  • Evidence of no earlier rejected or canceled visa has to be submitted.

  • Upon instruction, the assurances of support must be provided.

  • The applicant will be required to present proof of the award or previous awarding of an Investor Retirement (subclass 405) visa or Retirement (subclass 410) visa, or the proof of not holding any other substantive visa within a given time frame, to present himself or herself as a retiree candidate.

  • Documents regarding the holding of appropriate insurance must be submitted.

Eligibility Criteria

The conditions for applying for the Parent Visa Subclass 103 are somewhat different from the other visas; however, there are some common regulations that must be followed by the applicant for the Parent Visa 103 Subclass. An important point for this visa application is that the contender can apply with or without as a retiree. The basic conditions for the Australian 103 Visa Eligibility can be listed as;

Application as a retiree
The applicant can apply for his visa by designating himself a retiree where he or she can have some sort of relaxation of rules. The conditions for declaring oneself as a retiree can be listed as;

  • The award or previous awarding of an Investor Retirement (subclass 405) visa or Retirement (subclass 410) visa,
  • Non-holding of another substantive visa within a given time frame and the application of the subclass 103 visa.

Applying as a retiree exempts the applicant from providing a sponsor, qualifying the balance of family test, and arranging for assurances of support.

The applicant must be sponsored by an eligible sponsor, and the most normal option would be his child. If the child is not of 18 years, then an eligible relative or community organization can sponsor the applicant.

Balance-of-family test
The applicant must qualify in the balance of family test. This criterion entails that at least half of the eligible children are in Australia, or there are more eligible children living in Australia than in other countries.

Promise of support
The applicant must not rely on the government of Australia for his or her or stay after they enter the country. The ministry will notify him or her when the assurance is needed.

Health and character requirement
The applicant or the denoted family members have to abide by the health and character requirement of the ministry of Australia.

Dues clearing
The applicant or their family members should payback, or arrange to pay back the money, if any, that is owed to the government of Australia. This includes the family members who are not applying with the visa claimant.

Earlier visa
The applicant must not have any visa previously rejected or canceled by the proper authority if he or she had stayed in Australia before.

The best interest of a child
If there is an applicant under 18, the immigration authority will judge him as a child and reserves the right to deny the visa if there are reasons that interfere with the child’s best interest.

Health insurance
The conditions for applying for the Parent Visa Subclass 103 are somewhat different from the other visas; however, there are some common regulations that must be followed by the applicant for the Parent Visa 103 Subclass. An important point for this visa application is that the contender can apply with or without as a retiree. The basic conditions for the Australian 103 Visa Eligibility can be listed as;

Application as a retiree
The applicThe applicant must have appropriate health insurances, including transport.


There are several documents to be provided for once you decide to apply for a Parent Visa Subclass 103. Moreover, the documents should be supportive of the provided information and be confirmatory of the requirements of 103 Visa Australia. The best way to tackle this is to make a checklist and then look for the proofs. The Subclass 103 Visa Checklist should contain the following;

  • You must provide proof of a child as a citizen or permanent resident in the country of Australia.

  • Your child must nominate you if he is 18 years of age, otherwise, an eligible relative or community structure will suffice.

  • You must be above 18 years of age.

  • You must not arrive before the visa takes effect.

  • You must accept the rules set by the Ministry of immigration, Australia.

  • You must have proof of assurance inside Australia if you want to study.

  • You must be outside Australia while applying for the visa.

  • You or your family members must pay back any outstanding dues to the Australian government.

  • You should not have any visa application canceled or refused earlier.

  • You must sign the Australian values statement.

  • You must provide proof of health insurance while staying in Australia.

  • You must qualify in the balance-of-family test.

  • You must abide by the health and character requirement of the ministry of Australia.

Processing Time

The Parent Visa 103 Processing Time depends upon the type of request submitted. Usually, a properly tendered application collated with the required documents takes less time than an application with inadequate documents for Aged Parent Visa 103. Also, the standard time may take longer if there are much workload and backlogs. To get more information, the applicant may contact the experienced ISA Migrations & Education Consultants. The processing time may differ on a case-to-case basis.

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